Sunday, August 2, 2015

International Conference on Creative Writing in Jember, Indonesia (April 2011)

From Story Reading to Creative Writing: Improving Primary School Students’ Literacy Skills in English

                                                        Luh Putu Artini                              
Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali

Teaching English for Young Learners (TEYL) is a relatively new trend in the area of TEFL in Indonesia. Theoretically, primary school-age children have capabilities to acquire a new language, therefore, it is the right time to introduce a second or foreign language at this age
One of the strategies that have been proven to meet children characteristics is by learning through stories. This paper discusses how stories could expand children language skills and improve their literacy skills. Step by step classroom activities are presented to illustrate how stories provide models for natural use of language and how these encourage children creativity in writing.
Key words: story reading, creative writing, literacy skills
Language learning theories postulates that at the early childhood stage of development (age 2-6 years) children experience rapid language development (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004). At this age period, children go through a process of learning about the world  through direct interactions with people surround them. Learning new vocabulary and appropriate use of language in social contexts are noticeable during this period. The people whom the children interact and learn the language from could be family members and community, teachers and other children in their pre-school or kindergarten.
Children do not realize that they are learning a language.  Children gain competencies in the language by ‘acquiring it’ when they have direct exposure to the language. They listen to how adult use the language and develop their own repertoire in the language and use it to communicate with others. This natural process is amazingly very effective for language learning among children. The most important aspect here is the exposure to the language in real life settings.   
In the context of learning a new language (i.e. English as a foreign language) for young learners, the natural process as mentioned above can be expected to be effective. According to Nation (2003) children get a lot of natural reinforcement of the language from their environment and bring this into the classroom. However, as far as English as a foreign language is concerned, children may come into the classroom with almost no repertoire of this language. And this is probably the cause of the challenge for teaching English for young learners in non English speaking countries.
The biggest challenge for teaching English as a foreign language to children is to decide on what and how to teach; the what refers to appropriate teaching materials that suit children’s language development, while the how refers to teaching and learning strategies that suit the characteristics of a children. 
Children have specific characteristics that differentiate them from adult learners. First, children do not usually have long span of concentration like adult learners do. With a relatively short ability to concentrate, learning would not be effective if the teacher is not creative to design a variation of strategies that can keep children enthusiasm to learn. Second, children like to learn in a fun way through games, songs and stories. For this a teacher should like children and enjoy doing activities that children like. She/he should be imaginative and creative in planning class activities so that children learn effectively. Third, children’ need for a language is limited in a way that they only need language for everyday conversation and socialization. Therefore, a teacher should understand children language development and expose them to the natural language needed in their real life.
            This paper discusses strategies to improve primary school students’ competencies in reading and writing (i.e literacy skills) in English with Indonesian school context in mind. The purpose is to provide some ideas about the importance of presenting language in a natural context as well as incorporating reading and writing to establish strong ground of the foreign English so that young learners could keep their interest, motivation and enthusiasm to learn English in the future.

Building Young Learners’ Literacy Skills in English
Learning to read and write characterizes the beginning of a formal learning in school setting. Children are introduced to sounds and their symbols and they learn how those sound produce words and language. Those sounds are printed and children learn to tranfer what are written into speech. In this case, children start to learn how to read. As a matter of fact, reading has long been believed as the key factor for success in a learning process of a child.
Just as children learn to speak through interacting with parents who teach, they learn to read by interacting with books and teachers as these are organized in the system called school. The earliest reading (grade 1-2) has three major goals: (1) to keep children interested in learning to read, (2) to further develop the oral language and the cognitive and motor skills children bring to reading acquisition, and (3) to help children integrate several approaches to identifying (or decoding) print words.
Children’s oral language reflects their experiences with objects, ideas,  the relationship, and their interactions with the world. In helping children to learn to read, teachers should help them transfer the language background that they bring to school directly to their reading and writing (Snow, Burns & Griffins, 1998, in Heilman, 2002). It is crucial that reading for children should be interesting and enjoyable. The more time young learners spend reading, the more fluent they become. Children who do not read for pleasure at young age may never become fluent reader, and this may consequently contribute to failure as learners.
Before children are formally exposed to the learning of how to read at school, it is considered important to prepare their social, emotional, physical and mental readiness (see for example, Morrow, 1997). Social and emotional readiness is reflected in children ability to share and interact with others (teachers or classmates) during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Physical readiness refers to children motoric abilities to coordinate more than one activity at a time. For example, they can concentrate on listening to a story, draw a picture and write the subtitle for the drawing. Mental readiness enables children to concentrate to internalize meaning and they are able to recall the new knowledge to answer teacher’s questions.
Primary school children can be considered to have had, to some degree, the readiness as mentioned above since they had been through pre-school or kindergarten period where they learned about sharing, interacting and concentrating. On the first grade in primary schools (age 6 to 7), children can be expected to struggle with literacy skills in their first language therefore, it might be difficult for them to gain literacy skills in a foreign language at the same time. However, it does not mean that English as a Foreign language should not be introduced to these young learners. As mentioned above, children have the capability to acquire a language as long as there is an exposure to the language in a natural setting.
Using Stories as a Natural Context for TEYL
By nature, children love to listen to a story. Research found that children who are exposed to a story reading since the early age (infancy) will tremendously affect the children literacy skills in a language later on. While listening to a story they develop positive perceptions about books and build up the culture of reading. Through stories children also ‘build on their fundamental knowledge of the world’ (Cunningham & Shagoury, 2005:17).  There are various ways that have been introduced to parents as far as educating children through stories is concerned. Ng (2007) for example, proposed the four phases as follows:
1.      Repeating
Parents may read the same story again and again to their infants so that there is a habit formation of listening with attention. Parents may use different strategies with verbal language and variation of voices while showing the pictures of the story to the children. This step is believed to build children attention as well as interest to books and stories, and consequently accelerate their language development.
2.      Making association
While reading a story, parents may also help their children make association to what they hear. For example when the story is about a cat, then the parents may produce the sound of a cat so that the story may build a picture of the association between an animal called ‘cat’ and its sound. This step is does not only attract children attention to books and stories but also the knowledge about the world surround them.
3.      Reinforcement
In this step, the knowledge of the world that is learned through stories can be reinforced through activities and experiences. These may involve activities with parents and siblings, peers, and teachers. The examples of activities are playing games, drawing, singing, writing, and the like.
4.      Learning from Model
Observing and listening to a story read by an adult in their surrounding can be expected to positively influence children learn from model. They learn the joy they can get from a reading activity, they learn to use the language they read through the story and also they learn to communicate about the story to the others.
From those four phases as explained above, it is not difficult to imagine the importance of stories to children. As a matter of fact, stories become the basic of literacy skill for children since stories are mainly about language, and language is the basis for the learning process.

Teaching English in Primary School in Indonesia
The teaching of English in primary school in Indonesia is quite a new trend.  Paul (2003) explains that, as far as young learners are concerned, the program should consider the characteristics of the learners as beginner as well as young children learners. According to Paul, teachers play very important role to the success of the program as s/he should become a model for them. Teachers also should motivate and encourage learners to be enthusiastic and have positive attitudes towards learning the foreign language. The learning should be directed towards the gaining of competencies in simple language use within the real life contexts.
There are some challenges reported in relation to the teaching of English in Primary schools in Indonesia. Some of them are:
1)      Very limited time allocated for English instruction
The impact of this condition is that it is not easy for the children to maintain their motivation and enthusiasm.
2)      English learning only occurs in the classroom
As a foreign language, children are mainly exposed to the language in the classroom. This may affect the attainment of the targeted competencies
3)      The teacher becomes the major learning resource for the children
As a new trend, the teaching of English for Young Learners (TEYL) in Indonesia is not yet supported by sufficient facilities and equipment.
4)      Classroom activities tend o be book-oriented
Lack of facilities as well as limited experience of the teacher results in poor teaching and learning process in the classroom

The four challenges above should not become the reason for not having quality English instruction in English classes in primary schools in Indonesia. Careful selection of learning materials and strategies for teaching are possible to be done.

The Use of Stories in Teaching English in Primary school in Indonesia 
Teaching English as a Foreign language through stories has been proven to be effective in many countries. The language use in the story comes in children imaginable contexts so that they can acquire the language instead of learning it. Acquiring language here refers to subconncious process of attaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes at the same time. Knowledge covers new vocabulary and expressions in English; skills refer to abilities to listen, speak, read and write in English; while attitude here means children positive motivation to learn either under teacher’s supervision or autonomously. In addition, children can be expected to develop their logical, critical as well as creative thinking as stories give them freedom to imagine and draw mental pictures of meaning and information or messages conveyed by the story. In other words the advantages of using stories as a teaching strategies are as follows.
First, stories build the culture of reading in a foreign language stories read by parents and teachers improve children curiosity to do the reading and find the excitement of reading by themselves. In this case, children build their culture for reading. Second, stories develop comprehension skills and creative thinking. Exposure to a situation that requires concentration can develop children ability to comprehend series of meaning or messages. This leads to creative thinking, that is, an ability to develop cognitive skills to process information and develop it beyond the input. Third, Children learn English language in a natural context. Stories consist of series of plots which make the story flows in natural context. This makes children easy to understand the story as well as to learn the language use. And finally, stories motivate children to use language creatively Stories encourage children to use their imagination. Exposures to various language functions and vocabulary will affect their creative use of language as well, either in speaking or writing
            To assure the positive impacts of stories in teaching English for Young Learners, the selection of stories should be 1) interesting (the characters, the setting, the plots and the length of the story should meet learners’ interest); 2) consider children language development (taking children age and their language need into account), 3) illustrative (has interesting and eye-catching pictures); and 4) model for natural use of language (the language use is in real context with logical flow of ideas and the meaning is easily comprehended).

From Story Reading to Creative Writing
One skill that can be accelerated through the use of stories as teaching strategy is writing. So far, this skill has been considered as the most difficult skill to improve and less practiced in the classroom, especially in English as a Foreign language classes in primary school. The limited time and lack of facilities and references seemed to make this strategy impossible to be applied. However, the writer believes that stories can overcome all the challenges as mentioned above. The four advantages of using stories as teaching strategy as mentioned above could occur in Indonesian primary schools.
The followings are the suggested steps that the teacher may follow.
1)      Plan the lesson
The English instruction should of course, follow the curriculum. Make sure that the teacher plan the lesson based on the curriculum. For example: after the teacher and learning process, learners are expected to be able mention clothes and colors in English
2)      Decide on a story that is compatible to the learning objectives
In this case, the teacher can find stories in the internet, manipulate a story or even write up a simple story that meet the requirement of the objectives
3)      Prepare appropriate teaching aids/media.
For the story about clothes and colors, teacher can provide pictures of a girls and all different clothes in different colors
4)      Do logical step by step classroom activities and read the story interestingly and carefully when it is time for the story reading. When reading the story, the teacher can choose one of the five on reading strategies as advised by Teale (1987). The five reading strategies consist of  reading aloud (teacher read the story aloud and the students listen to it), shared reading (the teacher use big book or LCD screen to show the story so the teacher and students can read together), paired reading (students get into pairs and read the story together, this is done after the teacher finish modeling), reader theatre (the class read together, but each line is read by one student. The reading should be adjusted to the feeling the expression or sentence carries), reading log (the student write their impression about the story they read in a reading journal)
5)      Lead class discussion that aims to set comprehension to the story.
In this step, the teacher can ask students questions that allow students to answer with short or long answer. Expand the questions so that children employ they creative thinking ability
6)      Assign a writing task that closely follows the story.
The first part of the story can be the actual words from the story, but then the students are given freedom to continue the story.

Example of Story for Improving Primary School Students’ Creative Writing
The following is an example of story that can be used in grade five.
Story 1
The Title of the Story: The Color Girl
Language in Focus: Clothes and Colors
Grade: Five
Strategy: Paired Reading
Follow up activities (after reading the story)
1) Continue the story
2) Draw pictures to go with the story

The Story

The Color Girl

Jessica loves to wear different colors every day.
On Monday, she wears
        pink dress
        pink hat
        pink shocks
        and pink shoes

On Tuesday, she wears
        yellow dress
        yellow hat
        yellow shocks
        and yellow shoes

On Wednesday, she wears
       blue dress
       blue hat
        blue shocks
        and blue shoes

Continue the story

On Thursday, she wears
        ………. dress
        and ……….. shoes

On Friday, she wears
                            On ………………………….        

The story above is long and it can be developed into a longer one by the students. The long story for sure will be easily understood as the words used are within the coverage of the curriculum. The classroom activities are preceded by the introduction to the vocabulary and the use of the story can strengthen as well as enrich children language in an enjoyful and fun way.
The students are not only challenged by the writing task but also by the drawing activity. By working in pairs, they will be more motivated and develop their English in a non threatening environment. The picture and the stories can be publish in the classroom publication board afterwards so that every student can appreciate everybody else work.

Story 2
The Title of the Story: The Teacher got mad
Language in Focus: Simple Past Tense
Grade: Six
Strategy: Reading Aloud
Follow up activities (after reading the story)
1) Writing Task: Continue the story

The Story

Andy threw a pencil at the window
and the teacher got mad

Winda ran around the classroom
        and the teacher got mad

Agus was fighting with Toni
        and the teacher got mad


The story above has the focus on grammar. By presenting the grammatical point in the story and repeatedly, the children internalize the pattern without going through a boring and confusing explanation. In fact, grammar is not recommended to be taught explicitly to young learners as this will make them reluctant to use the language.

            The role of a teacher in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language is very important, especially when the learners are absolute beginner. The lack of learning facilities as well as limited supporting environment does not mean that the learning is impossible. The use of stories as a teaching strategy can help learning become more meaningful to children. They can learn the four language skills integratively, but most importantly they can improve their literacy level (reading and writing abilities) in the foreign language in a natural, meaningful learning situation. They do not only improve their language but also their creative thinking as reflected in their creative use of language in the writing tasks.

Ng, A.L.O, 2004. Teaching Children. Handling Study Stress. Translated version by Graciana, J (2007), Jakarta: Gramedia. 

Butler, A. and J. Turbill. (1984). Towards a Reading-Writing Classroom. Rosebery, NSW: Bridge Printery Pty.Ltd

Cunningham, A. & Shagoury, R. (2005). Starting with Comprehension. Reading strategies for the youngest learners.Boston: Stenhouse Publishers.

Heilman, A.W., Blair, T.R., & Rupley, W.H. (2002). Principles and practices of teaching reading (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

  • McDevitt, T. M., Ormrod, J. E., & McDevitt, T. M. (2004). Child development: Educating and working with children and adolescents. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

Nation, P. (2003) The role of the first language in foreign language learning. Asian EFL Journal.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

My Cruise ship work 4 with Prof. Pam Nilan: International Education Journal (vol.13, no.2, 2014)

My dissertation in national library of Australia

My work int Unika Atma Jaya Library

My Cruise ship work 3 with Prof Pam Nilan: A Book Chapter

My work in the catalog of Indonesian Science and Technology Digital Library

My book 3: Bilingualisme dan Pendidikan Bilingual

My Cruise ship work 2 with Prof. Pam Nilan: Inside Indonesia (Edition 115, Jan-March 2014)

My Cruise ship publication 1 with Prof. Pam Nilan : Asian Social Science Journal (vol.7, no.6, 2011)

My Book 2:: English for Academic Purposes

This book is intended for beginner students majoring in English Education in Post Graduate Study Program, Ganesha University of Education. The book is expected to provide guidelines for students with their academic writing in English. They can learn about the characteristics of academic writing, developing paragraphs, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, writing a literature  review, and referencing.

My Book 1: Popular Variables in EFL Research

 The majority of students majoring in English Education in Ganesha University of Education showed interest in researching on the impact of  cognitive, meta-cognitive and affective factors on learners' achievement in English.  This book compiles contributing variables that have been proven in different research in an attempt to provide student researchers with examples and empirical evidences to support their final project fulfillment. This book is basically used to supplement post graduate students, English Education Study Program, Ganesha University of Education (UNDIKSHA)

Penyediaan Lingkungan Kaya Bahasa untuk Pembiasaan Belajar Bahasa Inggris secara Mandiri di Sekolah Dasar

Penyediaan Lingkungan Kaya Bahasa untuk Pembiasaan Belajar Bahasa Inggris secara Mandiri di Sekolah Dasar

Luh Putu Artini, I.W. Sukrawarpala
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Singaraja, Bali


Paper ini melaporkan hasil penelitian Strategis Nasional tahun ke-2, dimana prototype lingkungan kaya bahasa Inggris (RLLE) diuji di enam sekolah dasar yang melibatkan 400 siswa kelas 4, 5 dan 6. Pemajangan materi RLLE (yang terdiri dari enam jenis teks (topical vocabulary, grammar focus, everyday expression, language game, and stories) dilakukan di dalam kelas sesaat sebelum pelajaran bahasa Inggris dimulai dan dibiarkan selama satu minggu sampai pelajaran bahasa Ingggris berikutnya. Topik materi disesuaikan dengan topik pembelajaran di kelas sehingga sebelum dan setelah pelajaran berlangsung siswa bisa belajar mandiri dengan cara mengamati, membaca, menyalin, dan mengerjakan tugas yang dipajang di dalam buku jurnal mereka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penyediaan lingkungan kaya bahasa berdampak positif terhadap kemampuan baca tulis (literasi) siswa dan pembiasaan belajar mandiri.
Kata-kata Kunci : lingkungan kaya bahasa, kemampuan literasi, belajar mandiri

This paper reports the findings of the second year of the two year strategic national research in which the prototype of the rich language learning environment (RLLE) produced in the first year is tried out in six primary schools involving 400 grade 4, 5 and 6 students. The RLLE materials, which comprise six types of texts (i.e. topical vocabulary, grammar focus, everyday expression, language game, and stories), are displayed in the classroom prior the regular English lesson and are replaced with the new materials before the next lesson starts the following week. The topics of the display materials are made compatible to the lessons, so before and after the lessons students can learn independently by observing, reading, copying, and doing the tasks in their journal. This study found that the provision of RLLE has positive impacts on students’ literacy skills in English and their independent learning habit.
Key words : , rich language learning environment, kemampuan literasi, independent

Salah satu strategi untuk menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang siap bersaing di era globalisasi adalah dengan membekali lulusan sekolah dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan memulai pembelajaran bahasa asing tersebut pada usia dini. Sesungguhnya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar (Primary  English Language Teaching atau PELT) sudah menjadi trend pada dua dasawarsa terakhir. Berkembangnya PELT di negara-negara dimana Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa asing diakibatkan oleh pergeseran status bahasa Inggris dari sebuah mata pelajaran menjadi sebuah komoditi global. Dana besar-besaran disediakan oleh banyak negara di dunia untuk mendukung pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar yang yang berkualitas (Whitehead, 2007). Bahasa Inggris tidak lagi dianggap sebagai sebuah mata pelajaran tetapi diperlakukan sebagai komponen dari pendidikan dasar (Hayes, 2007)..
  Di sekolah dasar Indonesia, sampai saat ini,  bahasa Inggris masih merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran tidak wajib. Artinya, setiap sekolah bisa menentukan apakah memberikan pelajaran bahasa Inggris atau tidak. Bisa dibayangkan bahwa pembelajaran tidak memiliki format yang jelas dan guru yang mengajar (terutama di sekolah-sekolah negeri) tidak memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan bahasa Inggris anak-anak. Pemerintah melalui Ditjen TK dan SD pernah menunjukkan perhatian besar terhadap PELT di Indonesia yang ditunjukkan melalui adanya pilot project “Bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar”pada tahun 2008 dan 2009. Sayang sekali projek tersebut dihentikan, padahal beberapa sekolah sudah dapat pengimbasan tentang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Sekolah dasar yang baik. Dampak dari pengimbasan tersebut adalah adanya semangat dan motivasi anak-anak sekolah dasar untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Sayangnya belum ada upaya riil yang bisa dilakukan di sekolah untuk menjaga rasa bersemangat dan termotivasi tersebut.
Masyarakat Bali, khususnya, memiliki sikap positif tentang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar (Lamb, 2003; Artini, 2006 & 2009b). Para orang tua mengirim anak-anak mereka ke kursus-kursus bahasa Inggris dengan harapan agar pada saatnya kelak, mereka bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah tidak bisa diharapkan akan memberi dasar bahasa Inggris yang kuat bagi anak-anak mengingat alokasi waktu belajar yang hanya 35 menit saja. Selain itu, fenomena yang terjadi selama ini adalah guru menjadi satu-satunya sumber belajar di sekolah dengan sarana belajar utama berupa buku teks saja. Proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung dalam konteks yang artificial (bukan konteks nyata) dan berorientasi hanya pada buku teks, sehingga siswa tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi (baca dan tulis) dalam bahasa Inggris.
Menurut Watanabe (2009), pembelajaran seharusnya tidak hanya terjadi di dalam kelas sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada kutipan berikut.
“…there is a need for an effort to provide an environment which rich of language that provides opportunities for students to use their free time at school to develop literacy skills in English outside the classroom context in a fun and challenging way…”

Pembelajaran di kelas yang begitu singkat tidak memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan lliterasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Berdasar-kan kutipan di atas, seharusnya ada lingkungan kaya bahasa (Rich Language Learning Environment, selanjutnya disebut RLLE) di sekolah. Scott & Ytreberg (2004), menyatakan rasa bersemangat dan termotivasi harus terjaga dengan baik di sekolah. Usaha yang dilakukan selama ini kebanyakan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran dari sudut pedagogis berorientasi peningkatan kualitas intelektual siswa (intelectual quality pedagogical dimension). Padahal pembelajaran bahasa seharusnya terbingkai dalam lingkungan kaya bahasa sehingga pebelajar usia anak-anak tidak belajar bahasa secara terpisah dari konteks nyata (Yelland, 2006). Selain itu pembelajaran seharusnya tidak hanya berlangsung di kelas saja (Watanabe, 2009). Dengan alokasi belajar bahasa Inggris yang hanya 1x35 menit per minggu tentu saja tidak  cukup untuk memberi landasan belajar bahasa Inggris yang kuat bagi siswa sekolah dasar. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya suatu upaya untuk menyediakan lingkungan kaya bahasa yang memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menggunakan  waktu luang yang mereka miliki di sekolah untuk  mengembangkan kemampuan literasi bahasa Inggris di luar konteks kelas dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan menantang. Dampak yang diharapkan bukan hanya motivasi dan semangat tetapi juga landasan dan kemampuan baca-tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang kuat sebelum siswa melanjutkan pendidikan pada jenjang yang lebih tinggi.

(1)   Bagaimanakah kualitas produk RLLE?
(2)   Bagaimanakah persepsi siswa dan guru terhadap implementasi RLLE di sekolah?
(3)   Bagaimanakah dampak implementasi RLLE di sekolah terhadap kemampuan literasi bahasa Inggris di kelas 4, 5 dan 6?

Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pendapat guru, siswa dan kepala sekolah terhadap pemajangan materi lingkungan bahasa Inggris secara sistematis. Yang dimaksud dengan lingkungan kaya bahasa Inggris adalah  berbagai bentuk teks bahasa Inggris yang dikembangkan mengikuti pola research dan pengembangan. Materi tersebut dipajang di kelas dengan sistem yang jelas. Sementara  itu, siswa dibagikan jurnal yang digunakan untuk belajar mandiri menggunakan materi-materi yang dipajang tersebut.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Sampai saat ini sudah banyak penelitian yang menghasilkan temuan tentang rendahnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris lulusan sekolah menengah atas di Indonesia. Setelah belajar bertahun-tahun lulusan SMA/SMK/MA belum mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena kurang kuatnya fondasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris ketika pertama kali mereka mempelajarinya. Pada umumnya mereka hanya mengandalkan pembelajaran di dalam kelas dimana guru menjadi sumber belajar yang utama. Keterbatasan waktu yang tersedia untuk belajar di sekolah serta tidak tersedianya sumber belajar yang menyenangkan dan bervariasi membuat motivasi dan semangat belajar juga rendah. Dampaknya adalah, siswa belajar bahasa Inggris hanya sekedar untuk bisa lulus dalam mata pelajaran tersebut. 
Penyediaan RLLE di sekolah, berdasarkan pengamatan di tahun pertama, ternyata mampu membuat siswa tertarik untuk mengamati, membaca, mendiskusikan dengan teman, dan mengerjakan tugas secara mandiri dan sukarela pada jurnal khusus yang disediakan bagi siswa. Hal ini sangat penting mengingat rasa tertarik erat hubungannya dengan motivasi, dan motivasi erat hubungannya dengan prestasi. Dengan demikian ada kecendrungan besar tentang kemungkinan dampak RLLE terhadap fondasi belajar bahasa Inggris yang lebih kuat.
Keterbatasan waktu dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas menyebabkan terjadinya pengabaian unsur literasi dalam pembelajaran. Kegiatan yang sudah membudaya adalah mengerj soal-soal sehubungan dengan penguasaan kata dan tata bahasa. Kegiatan membaca dan menulis yang terjadi di kelas hanya sebatas mendengarkan dan menirukan guru membaca, dan siswa menjawab pertanyaan sehubungan dengan bacaan tersebut. Padahal sesungguhnya siswa harus diekpos dengan bacaan berbahasa Inggris yang dikombinasikan dengan tugas menulis secara kreatif agar bisa menggunakan bahasa yang dipelajarinya secara alamiah. Penyediaan lingkungan kaya bahasa  menyediakan exposure yang dimaksud. Dampak yang bisa disimpulkan dari penelitian tahun pertama, dalam waktu relatif singkat, pemajangan materi RLLE membuat siswa memiliki kemampuan literasi yang lebih baik yang dibuktikan dengan kemampuan siswa menulis lebih banyak kata dengan benar, maupun menuliskan ungkapan yang sesuai dengan konteks berbahasa yang dipajang pada papan pajang.
Selain manfaat jangka pendek tersebut di atas, ada manfaat jangka panjang yang bisa diramalkan sebagai akibat penyediaan RLLE di sekolah yaitu: membangun karakter anak bangsa untuk senang belajar dan meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mandiri yang  berdampak terhadap kebiasaan belajar sepanjang hayat. Selain itu, penelitian ini bisa membangun budaya baca. Sampai saat ini belum ada suatu upaya sistematis yang dilakukan oleh lembaga formal (sekolah) untuk membiasakan anak membaca dan menulis, apalagi dalam bahasa Inggris. Padahal sesungguhnya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di usia anak-anak seharusnya dilakukan dengan cara yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dan perkembangan berbahasa anak-anak.
Rendahnya kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) untuk memenangkan persaingan di bursa kerja global.  Seperti yang sudah diketahui bersama, Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) dan Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) yang bekerja di luar negeri hanya mampu mengambil posisi sebagai pekerja kasar dan pembantu rumah tangga sebagai akibat rendahnya tingkat pendidikan secara umum dan kekurangmampuan berbahasa Inggris secara khusus. Penelitian ini didasari oleh kepedulian terhadap  perbaikan kualitas SDM melalui peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.
Penetapan standar pendidikan internasional sekarang ini harus dibarengi dengan usaha peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Model lingkungan kaya belajar di sekolah  mengubah paradigma bahwa belajar tidak hanya berlangsung di dalam kelas. Belajar tidak hanya berlangsung dengan kehadiran guru.  Melalui penyediaan lingkungan kaya bahasa, siswa  selalu terekpos dengan berbagai materi belajar yang menantang dan menyenangkan, sehingga dengan sendirinya meningkatkan keinginan untuk terus belajar atau belajar sepanjang hayat (long life education) dan belajar madiri (self-directed learning).
Mengubah mind set anak-anak (dan juga guru) terhadap makna belajar. Selama ini belajar dipahami sebagai suatu proses mendapat ilmu pengetahuan di dalam kelas. Dengan kata lain, sampai saat ini dipahami sebagai proses belajar yang hanya terjadi dalam konteks sekolah yang berlangsung di dalam kelas, dengan dipandu oleh guru. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan adanya perubahan paradigma tentang pengertian belajar.

Penelitian dan Pengembangan ini telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2012 dengan menghasilkan prototype produk lingkungan kaya bahasa Inggris. Pada tahun 2013 ini, produk diujicobakan di enam sekolah dasar yang pernah dilibatkan dalam proyek Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada tahun 2008-2009. Sekolah-sekolah ini berada di empat Kabupaten di Bali yaitu Badung, Denpasar, Bangli, dan Gianyar. Keenam sekolah tersebut dipilih secara acak di antara 20 sekolah yang terlibat pada proyek Depdiknas tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah 400 siswa kelas 4, 5, dan 6; 18 guru bahasa Inggris dan 6 Kepala sekolah. Data diambil melalui pengamatan, wawancara, kuesioner dan test literasi. Analisis data menggunakan mixed method (kuantitatif dan kualitatif) untuk menjawab ketiga rumusan masalah di atas..

            Data kualitas produk dikumpulkan secara bertahap: pertama, expert judgment yang terdiri dua orang ahli di bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris anak-anak; dan kedua, melalui siswa, guru dan kepala sekolah dan analisisnya mengikuti kriteria validitas dan praktikalitas,(Nieven dalam Mahayanti, 2011) terhadap komponen linguistik dan non-linguistik. Secara umum, produk RLLE bisa dikategorikan bagus. Khusus untuk konten mendapat kategori sangat bagus, sebagaimana terlihat pada tabel berikut.

Table 1. Rangkuman hasil Validitas dan Practicalitas materi RLLE


Mean Score (Sr)
Expert Judgment
Bagus sekali
Persepsi Siswa

Persepsi Guru
Persepsi Kepala sekolah
Persepsi Siswa
4. 177


Berdasarkan hasil analisis kuesioner, wawancara dan pengamatan, materi mendapat apresiasi yang sangat positif baik oleh siswa, guru maupun kepala sekolah. Dari sisi siswa, mereka merasa mendapat kesempatan belajar yang lebih banyak, terutama menulis dan membaca pada tingkat kata, ungkapan sederhana maupun cerita sederhana. Dari sisi guru, materi RLLE dinyatakan sebagai materi pendukung pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang bagus. Guru berpendapat bahwa penyediaan materi lingkungan kaya bahasa sangat membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu dengan cara belajar mandiri. Semua materi mendapat pujian dalam hal jenis, tampilan maupun aktifitas yang biss dilakukan siswa akibat pemajangan materi tersebut. Dari sisi kepala sekolah materi juga dianggap memiliki nilai positif untuk membantu siswa belajar bahasa Inggris secara menyenangkan, tanpa paksaan, dan menyenangkan serta menantang. Baik guru dan kepala sekolah setuju bahwa penyediaan materi RLLE membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan literasi (baca dan tulis) dalam bahasa Inggris, yang mana melalui pembelajaran rutin di kelas, hal ini tidak pernah
 bisa dijangkau sebagai akibat terbatasnya waktu yang tersedia untuk berlatih. Rumusan masalah ketiga adalah tentang peningkatan kemampuan literasi yang terjadi. sebagai akibat penggunaan materi RLLE. Analisis data mengahsilkan data yang tergambar pada diagram sebagai berikut.


Diagram 1. Perbandingan hasil pre dan Post Test

Diagram menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan literasi siswa sekolah dasar dari setelah diekspos dalam waktu singkat (2-3 minggu) pada tahun pertama  dan 2-3 bulan di tahun kedua. Ini mempertegas bahwa pemanfaatan materi RLLE berdampak positif terhadap kemampuan literasi siswa sekolah dasar.
Temuan ini sejalan dengan penelitian Scoot dan Ytreberg (1990) yang menyatakan bahwa penyediaan lingkungan kaya bahasa harus memenuhi beberapa kriteria, antara lain: (1) Pengenalan Kata dalam Konteks (materi RLLE mengenalan kata-kata dengan disertai gambar atau objek yang menarik dan memberi makna dengan sendirinya sehingga siswa bisa belajar tanpa ketergantungan pada sosok seorang guru); (2) Belajar Bahasa melalui Bermain  (RLLE mengakomodasi karakteristik belajar khusus anak-anak adalah mereka suka bermain.dengan cara menyediakan ‘language games’ yang menyenangkan, memotivasi dan menantang); (3). Bahasa adalah Bahasa (materi RRLE memberi ruang yang cukup bagi mereka untuk menggunakan bahasa yang mereka pelajari untuk berkomunikasi melalui Everyday Expressions’ yang bisa mereka gunakan dalam interaksi mereka dengan teman sebaya/sekelas); (4).Variasi Kegiatan Kelas (Materi RLLE memberi variasi materi yang ada di kelas dan variasi strategi yang ditempuh siswa untuk belajar lebih banyak secara mandiri); (5). Rutinitas (Materi RLLE mengatasi rutinitas belajar di kelas yang selalui diarahkan guru.  Adanya materi yang dipajang di kelas, mereka bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan ketersediaan waktu dan keinginan untuk belajar sehingga mereka memiliki rutinitas yang berbeda); (6).Kerjasama, bukan Berlomba (Penyediaan RLLE mengakomodasi peran siswa sebagai bagian dari komunitas sosial di sekolah. Mereka bisa mendapat pengalaman bekerja  dalam kelompok secara kooperatif sehingga membentuk karakter ‘mampu bekerjasama dengan orang lain. Materi RLLE menyediakan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk saling bekerjasama tetapi bukan bersaing atau berkompetisi); 7). .Tatabahasa (Materi RLLE bisa membuat siswa belajar grammar tanpa menyadari bahwa mereka sudah melakukannya); (8). Asessmen (Penggunaan materi RLLE membuat siswa mengerjakan sesuatu yang berdampak pada kemampuan melakukan refleksi dan self asesmen. Mereka tidak merasa tertekan atau cemas nilai apa yang akan mereka capai. Ini adalah sebuah pendidikan karakter yang alamiah).
            Kedelapan unsur yang ada pada rancangan materi RLLE tersebut merupakan hal penting dalam pendidikan yang kurang menjadi perhatian pada pendidikan di kelas. Jadi penelitian pengembangan ini telah membuktikan bahwa penyediaan materi penunjang yang memiliki sistem dan aturan yang jelas berdampak positif terhadap perkembangan kognitif dan metacognitif siswa dimana siswa belajar sesuatu sekaligus mengatur diri sendiri untuk belajar secara mandiri.

            Berdasarkan paparan hasil penelitian di atas bisa disimpulkan bahwa perlu ada usaha yang logis untuk mengatasi kendala belajar seperi keterbatasan waktu, materi atau sumber belajar. Usaha berupa pengembangan materi RLLE dalam penelitian ini telah terbukti mengatasi keterbatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar. Siswa tidak saja mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang kosa kata, ungkapan maupun wacana dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi juga mengembangkan karakter bekerja keras, bertanggung jawab, rasa ingin tahu, bekerja dalam kelompok, belajar mandiri, serta melakukan refleksi terhadap apa yang sudah dipelajari. Dengan demikian pendidikan tidak saja berlangsung di kelas dengan kehadiran guru dan rutinitas belajar yang monoton, Siswa bisa dibiasakan belajar dengan kemauan sendiri, tanpa kehadiran guru, dan mengatur sendiri apa yang ingin mereka laukan dengan cara mereka sendiri.


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