English Literacy Skills of Primary School
Students in Bali: An Evaluation Study
By: Luh Putu Artini
Ganesha University of Education, BALI
In Bali English is thought from grade four
to grade six. Despite the enthusiasm of the young learners to learn this
foreign language, the limited time allocated for English learning in primary
school as well as the poor qualification and experience of the teachers in
English for young learner pedagogy may result in unclear direction of the
classroom instructions. This study aims at investigating the practice of
English language teaching in primary schools in Bali and discussing how much
effort has been done in an attempt to equip learners with literacy skills in
English. The findings of this study are treated as the bases for a research and
development project on “rich language learning environment” to support English
literacy skills of the primary school students in Bali.
words: English literacy skills, evaluation study
Primary English Language
Education (PELT) has been a popular trend in the non-English speaking countries
around the globe since the last two decades. Every country is doing its best
efforts to improve the quality of English language teaching and learning for
young learners to set up a strong foundation for quality human resources. In
the non-English speaking counties proficiency in English can be considered as
one of the indicators for the quality as the language is an international
language. Proficient English speakers usually have a better opportunity in the
labor force competition.
The growing of English
language teaching around the world is related to the rhetoric about
globalization, technological and economic development (Lee & Asman, 2012).
In many countries (including Indonesia) proficiency in English as a Foreign
language is a global commodity that
can be expected to strengthen the country standing in the global world. No
wonder that many countries allocated major funds and carefully designed
strategies to improve the quality of EFL teaching and learning in their primary
schools (Whitehead, 2007). English is no longer viewed a school subject but
rather an important component in basic education (Hayes, 2007).
Teaching English in primary school is not only challanging in countries
where English is totally a foreign language but also in countries where English
is the second or even the first language. Studies by North Central Regional Educational
Laboratory (2003) and Southeast Center for Quality Teaching (2003) found that
primary school teachers in the United States of America struggled to teach
reading and writing in English to the non English speaking students. According
to the report, this was due to the quality of the human resources. Teachers
were considered having a lack of professional development, especially in
effective strategies to teach literacy skills in English. As a matter of fact,
English teachers in primary schools (regardless of the countries they are in
service) should be equipped with adequate strategies for teaching reading and
writing in English (Thompson, 2004).
Report on PELT in India (Piller and
Skillings, 2005) indicated that English teachers were lack of knowledge and
experience about current methods and practices in teaching reading in English
to primary school students. There were also problems about the way teachers
approach the curriculum and the textbook, the way to communicate as well as to
interact verbally to children (Clark, 2001). As a result, children have limited
literacy skills, especially in reading and writing in English.
article reports the results of the evaluation of the practice of the teaching
of English in primary schools in Bali with particular interest in reading and
writing. The research was conducted during 2012-2013 period of time in six
primary schools in Bali. The methods used to collect data were document study
(curriculum, syllabus lesson plans), classroom observations, interview with
teachers and English literacy (reading and writing) test.
The Teaching of
English in Primary Schools in Bali
teaching of English for Young Learners (hereafter, TEYL) in Indonesia can be
considered as a new trend as it has been popular since 2004. As a matter of fact TEYL has been introduced
world widely since 1992 (Brewster, et.al, 2007: iv). Ever since, many
non-English speaking countries did their best for the teaching of English in
primary school. In Taiwan, for example, TEYL was practiced in limited schools
since 1999. Parents sent their children to expensive private schools that
offered English in their curriculum. It means that parents considered it was
important for their children to start learning English at young age.
a number of International conferences on TEYL, the advantages of teaching
English when they were still young (i.e. when they are at primary schools) were
raised. Those advantages are related to the followings:
1) It builds positive attitudes towards English
2) It can be integrated to other school subjects
3) It provides longer learning experience to learn the
foreign language.
4) It builds stronger foundation for learning English
in the following school levels.
Effective TEYL is affected by a number of factors,
two of the most important are: teachers and facilities. Firstly, as far as
teaching English for young learners are concerned, teachers should have special
trainings because children have special characteristics in learning, especially
in learning a foreign language. Secondly, learning needs to be supported by
appropriated facilities that enhance the achievement of the intended learning
goals (Scott & Ytreberg, 2004). While the practice of TEYL in other Asian
countries, such as Taiwan and Japan has been reported to be successful, in
Indonesia it might be still in its infancy for at least two reasons.
First, TEYL is introduced formally since the
commencement of School-Based Curriculum (CBC) in 2006 in which every school has
the autonomy to develop its curriculum. Previously English in primary schools
was considered as the local content that only a small number of school considered it
important to provide English subjects. CBC encourages public primary schools in
Bali to include English in their curriculum. This is related to the real need
of Bali, the international tourist destination, to prepare for competitive
human resources for the globalization era. Most primary schools start English
at grade four but some start at grade one or two. It depends on the school
readiness in terms of teachers and facilities.
Second, after years of implementation, TEYL in
Indonesia did not seem to have clear direction. Lessons were directed by a
textbook and student worksheet from a publisher. Teacher follows the textbook closely
and instructional methods were not different from other subjects, in which
students have been directed by routes (i.e. memorizing words, doing
close-answered assignment and the like). The teaching and learning process that
encourages creative English language use was hardly found.
the unclear directions as mentioned earlier, motivate policy makers and
educators to do something to improve the
quality of the TEYL in Indonesia, including Bali. The Department of National
Education launched a pilot project on English in primary school in 2008, in
which national facilitators were recruited to train English teachers in primary
schools in six provinces. The project had been successful to change the mindset
of the teachers involved in the project about appropriate strategies for teaching
English for young learners. However, the project was resumed in 2010 with
unclear reasons. Some efforts were also done by educators or researchers in
Bali who believed that it is important to start English in primary school and
immediate action is needed to improve the EYL pedagogical practices. For
example, Padmadewi et.al (2009) conducted a research and development to produce
culture-based English teaching model in primary school in Bali. The model adopts
the contextual teaching and learning principle in which meaningful learning
should be framed in the closest context of learning (Johnson,2002). The products
of the study included the Balinese cultural based materials, manual for
teachers as well as the assessment method for English subject in primary schools
in Bali.
efforts in national and local levels as mentioned above indicate that there has
been an awareness of the importance to have quality TEYL in Indonesia in
general and in Bali in particular. According to Artini (2006), the young
generation of Bali considers English proficiency as an asset for better future.
Bali is an international tourist destination and career in tourist related
business and enterprises is considered promising. Therefore, the community of
Bali showed positive perception about starting English since children are at
young age (in primary schools).
The Concept of
In general literacy
refers to an ability to read and write (Jay & Jay, 1998; Bainbridge, online
version). As far as primary school curriculum is concerned, this notion is
extended to numeration. Literacy skills used in this article is operationally
defined as reading and writing ability of grade 1 to 6 students in primary
schools in Bali. In term of reading ability, the contexts involved awareness of the sounds of language, awareness
of print and the relationship between letters and sounds; while writing skills
involves vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension (Bainbridge, http://giftedkids.about.com/od/glossary/g/literacy.htm)
Watson (internet) pointed
out that literacy belongs to life skills that are needed in real life. In
schools, teachers play an important role to help young learners progress in
their literacy skills. Besides, literacy skills can be built through school
special programs which include not only teachers but also systematic learning
materials and structured instructions. According to Watson, the real life materials
should be closed to children real life such as:
To write personal information includes
name, address, phone number age, parents, etc.
To read
and understand signs found in public places such as ladies and gents
(toilet), bus stops, city park, etc.
To read key words in a product’s
instruction, such as ‘dangerous!, ‘caution!’, etc.
d) To
read and understand traffic signs such as ‘no stopping’, ‘for pedestrian only’,
To read and understand abbreviations such
as Dr., Mr and Mrs.
To fill in forms about personal details
read and understand instructions such as ‘turn right/left’, go straight ahead,
etc. kana
To read recipes
To read map and directory.
To read special signs or notices in public
To read rules and regulation
To read time from a clock, etc.
The list above demonstrates
that literacy skills involve reading a text and working on a written assignment
using the real life materials. Dorothy Strickland (NCREL, 2003), defines English literacy skills as students’ ability to read and write in
English which covers pronunciation, comprehension (reading), and spelling,
vocabulary use (writing). This definition is considered to be appropriate to be
used in this article for practical reasons. Preliminary observation in two
primary schools in Bali found that the practice of teaching English in primary
schools in Bali mostly deals with a textbook and the class activities mostly
involved texts.
The teaching of English in primary schools
mainly aim to develop language accompanying actions, in the context of direct
interactions among students, students to teacher and teacher to student
(Depdiknas, 2009). This is detailed in the findings and discussion below.
Evaluating Curriculum and Syllabus
TEYL in Bali is guided by
targeted competencies in the four language skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading,
and writing) as follows.
01. Targeted competencies of TEYL in Bali
I/1, I/2
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions
Ability to repeat after the teacher accurately, of the
language for instructions and simple imformation.
Ability to pronounce vocabulary used in a very simple
text accurately.
Ability to copy simple English words.
II/1, II/2
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions
Ability to say simple instructions and informations
orally and acceptably
Ability to read aloud and understand the information
from the simple text
Ability to copy English words correctly
III/1, III/2
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions
Ability to say simple instructions and informations
orally and acceptably
Ability to read aloud and understand the information
from the simple text
Ability to spell words and copy simple sentences
IV/1, IV/2
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions and acceptable expressions
Ability to say simple instructions and informations in
daily life context orally and acceptably
Ability to read aloud and understand simple descriptive
text in the context of learners’ daily life
Ability to copy and write own simple expression in the
context of learners’ daily life.
V/1, V/2
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions and acceptable expressions
Ability to say simple instructions and informations in
daily life context orally and acceptably
Ability to read aloud and understand simple descriptive
text in the context of learners’ daily life
Ability to write simple
description about things around the learners’ daily life.
VI/1, VI/2
Listening :
Ability to respond to simple instructions with
appropriate actions and acceptable expressions in the context of learners’
daily life
Ability to give instructions and give information in
the context of learners’daily life
Ability to understand simple English texts in the
context of learners’ daily life
Ability to write simple
meaningful text in the context of learners’ daily life.
As seen in the table
above, TEYL in Bali is targeted to achieve ability to listen, speak, read and
write simple English. The word ‘simple’ refers to limited number of words,
language functions and use, most of which elaborate background knowledge with
the new knowledge they learn in the English classes. For example, in grade 2,
students use their background knowledge achieved in grade 1 for task
fulfillment in the four skills. Only from grade 4 that students start receiving
and producing simple text to read or to write. The begin reading a short
coherent text and employ strategies to comprehend it. At the same time they
start expressing meanings in the form of writing. Before grade 4, they mainly
work on the level of words and simple sentences. They were exposed to words and
language expressions that they have to read out loud or copy them into their
assignment books from the textbook or the white board.
As a matter of fact,
since 2012, the time allocation for teaching English in primary schools has
been cut off from 2x35 minutes per week to become 1x35 minutes per week. However,
grade 4,5,6 students under study have longer experience of exposure to EYL
teaching and learning in comparison to the younger learners. Therefore, the
data were taken only from grade 4 to 6. It is interesting to analyze these
learners’ ability to read and write in English after relatively longer time of exposure to English in the classroom
in comparison to grade 1 to 3.
Based on previous
observation in the classroom, literacy skills are built through the reading and
writing activities. In reading lesson, the teacher mostly started with
greeting, checking attendance and very short interaction initiated by simple
questions by the teacher. For example the questions are: Do you have a dog? Who
have a dog? What is your dog’s name? This is followed with reading aloud a very
simple text about dog. In writing, the lesson starts in similar way and then
followed with ordering words and copy, ordering sentences and copy. Creative
language use in which students have freedom or choices to read or write does
not seem to occur.
Balinese primary schools’ literacy skills
in English
literacy test used to collect data for the ability to read and write in English
of the 4th, 5th,
and 6th grade students indicate that they mostly show good
interpretations in English, however, limited time of exposure to English make
them difficult to write. For example, the first part in the test for the 4th
grade is labeling pictures. They write kou
instead of ‘cow’, mobille instead of ‘car’, mookei instead of monkey, ket instead of ‘cat’. Problem like this
consistently occur in the 5th and 6th grade. In grade 5
for example, vocabulary is put in context. In the first part, a picture of an
elephant is shown and next to the picture, there are unfinished sentences,
like: This is an ………. The students seemed to know the answer but the spelled
the word wrong, for example: elevhent,
gajah (which is the Indonesian word), helipet, elefent, elephen, elephent,
elepath, etc. In grade 6, spelling of a word is tested through questions.
For example, “What is your favorite color?” Students answer with: ungu
(Indonesian word for ‘purple’), ping instead
of ‘pink’, oranye instead of
‘orange’, parpel instead of purple, blek instead of ‘black’, etc. These data
indicate that students have learnt the words but limitation of exposure to the
texts made them use association strategies that refer to how the words are
students are found to have good understanding to context and meaning, the
problems are mostly with spelling and grammar. In the test, grade 6 students
are assigned to write sentences about a dog. The picture of a dog appears in
the test and next to it there is a column where they can write anything about a
dog. Most students seems to have creative ideas, however, they have problems
with spelling and word order (grammar). The followings are the example of the
Table 2: Example of students’ writing in
1# It name is dog Niko color is brown it
dog is
male foot four. Your food meat and milk
Have good spelling ability. Problem is
in the use of pronoun and punctuation
2# It Dog name: broni, Male it color
Wats’t is animal your fuds to chiken from
gles by work glest father go.
Problem with spelling, pronouns, and
3# It name my dog is Vedi male dog
Blacki is
mother Vedi name Colour Vedi is
Vedi is your food faforite rice miet
Problem with spelling, pronouns and punctuation.
data above indicate the effort of the students to write about their own dog.
One may expect that grade 6 students have had background knowledge about
punctuation (the use of capital letter, commas and full stop). It might be
surprising that students have serious problem with this because punctuations in
writing are not different from one language to the other. It is beyond the
scope of the research to comment on the possibility of inadequate opportunities
for students to write in the first or national language. However, this study
shows the indication toward it.
examples presented above are three of the longest writing that students could
manage to finish in about half an hour. Many of the writings are much shorter.
One student writes: “ It is dog dogi
male. It is dog color dogi brown”. Another student writes: “ it dog miller color I brown lo I is femela”.
These examples show how serious the problem encountered by students in literacy
in English. These students have learnt English for at least from grade 4,
or for approximately two years before
the test was conducted. Apart from the limitation of time, the steps to build
literacy skills may also need urgent attention from the government either in
the national language or in a foreign language as pointed out by Dorothy
Strickland (NCREL, 2003). This author suggests an integration of five factors
as follows:
- the construction of meaning from
different perspectives which means that students should be facilitated to
explore meaning through different activities
- the acknowledgement of context in
literacy learning, that is, the building of an awareness on the part of
the students about the context of learning
- the use of language for real
communication means that when teaching literacy to students, they must be
involved in activities that cover the language function within their
language development level and need of language in real life
- the use of relevant literacy
materials, which is not only a single textbook. Students should have
choices of materials that they can read in their leisure time
- a focus on higher order thinking
skills and problem solving, which imply that the building of literacy
skills is not merely about awareness and understanding of meaning but also
thinking skills.
Based on the findings above it can
be concluded that literacy skills in English in public primary schools may be
still in its infancy. Problems occur from the most basic (words) to the most
complex (discourse). In other words, primary school students from grade 4 to 6 consistently
have problem with spelling words, punctuations, use of pronouns, word order and
language expressions. The reasons may be classical, that are, poor instruction,
poor supporting facilities and poor teacher qualification. As described in the
literature review, EYL in Bali is allocated very limited time and the only
learning source is a textbook. It is likely also that poor literacy skills in
English is rooted from poor literacy skills in the first/national language. This
is concluded from poor punctuation use that is not different from one language
to the other. As a matter of fact, the basis of learning is language. When
someone has poor language proficiency, it is highly possible that he/she will
find problems in learning other subjects. Therefore, literacy skills either in
the first (national) language or in a foreign language (English) need to be
built in a systematic way. Dorothy Strickland’s idea might be
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